Thursday, July 27, 2006

I want a picture with everyone smiling

When it comes to brilliant people you can never truly stop being amazed and to prove that I wanted to share an application I saw someone demo called GroupShot from Microsoft Research -

The quick premise is that you take 3-4 pictures of the family and everyone thinks they look great in different pictures. Now you can cut/copy between photos and create the perfect picture with everyone smiling.

Ok so the picture is what proves it right? Check out the link above and they have a section for help and example pictures. Hopefully I can try this before sis and I can be cooler for just 1 day when I show her!

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Seattle again...

So I am in Seattle again for company technical info. Mom and Sis love this place and always tell me how much they hate me when I tell them I am going. Well I am back again :)

This trip puts me downtown and always me to walk down to Pikes Market, given I am an early riser anyway this trip makes waking up at 5:30 super easy. Today I went down and stopped in at Le Panier ( While at home I have a simple coffee maker, my favorite coffee beverage is an Espresso Americano so I got one as well as a great new experience - féuilletes. This is a light pastry with different fillings and I tried the one with potato, bacon and egg. It was FANTASTIC.

As I am here this early for weekend sessions in addition to a full week, I will be trying to get to Kells Irish Pub for lunch. I hope to get a Seafood Pasty and maybe a chowder as well.

Ah the few benefits to this trip but to say that each time I hear a small child talk that I don't miss my kids and wife would be a lie. A road warrior I am not.


Saturday, July 15, 2006

Brother and Sister

I believe this was one or two days after Zach received his haircut. As you can see we need to work on the paci removal with Zach. I liked this picture as the camera focused on Zach but Sophie is the background, still visible but a little blurred.


ImaginOn summer camp

This summer Allison signed Sophia up for a week of camp organized by the Children's Theatre called ImaginOn.

Sophia enjoyed this a lot and demonstrated a lot of new games to us like Magic Rock. Here is a picture of their Friday showing to the parents of their newly learned skills. This according to Sophia was Show us a Tiger moment! Alas as this was in the middle of the day I had to experience this via pictures as well.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

B&W - Zachary

Here is Zachary's cropped b&w photo. I won't argue that the curls are cute but he needs a hair cut so this might be the last curly headed picture for a while.


B&W of Sophia

I really liked the pictures of the kids so I went ahead an put my amateur hand at cropping them and then pushing them to B&W. So now you can see Sophia without me in the background. I love this girl.


Monday, July 03, 2006

Summer pics of kids

Here are our pics from this past Sunday night on the slip 'n slide.
